Status Http Response Code Http Response Content/Body
Unauthorized 401 Unauthorized None
Request Accepted, Queued or Processing 202 Accepted None
Request processed successfully or partially. 200 OK
  1. For GET requests:
    • If the payload is less than 1KB, it is returned as the content/body of the response.
    • If the payload is greater than 1KB, then the payload is downloaded as a json file.
  2. For Import requests:
    • If all the records were successfully imported, the response content/body will be:
    • {"Logs": []}
    • If it is a partially succeeded request, the response will have the validation errors as:
    • {
      "Logs": [
      "Ignoring User having display '' as it is having duplicate SourceSystemId or DisplayId"
      These errors/warnings will also be logged in AppLogs at https://{tenant}
Request/message expired. The responses of the integration requests are cached for 2 hours. If the Location header URL is accessed after 2 hours, the status will be a 404. 404 Not found NA
Any other error while processing the request. 500 Internal Server Error https://{tenant} will have the errors logged for troubleshooting.